Abstract Submission


Call for Papers 

  • The organizing committee has prepared for sessions that can facilitate discussions regarding emerging geographical issues that fit with the conference theme, “Livable Cities, Resilient Future.” 
  • We fully welcome additional proposals for both special and general sessions. The deadline for the session proposals is on July 15, 2023.  Session proposal template is available here. Please email the session proposal to 2023kcj@gmail.com (On the Email Subject line, please put ‘New Session Proposal’) 
    In addition to the papers that fit with the topic for the five special sessions and nine general sessions currently prepared by the organizing committee, we welcome presentations on diverse topics that are not confined to the topics for the currently proposed sessions. 


Abstract Submission Guideline (Submission page will open on May 8, 2023 on this webpage.)  

  • • An abstract of 400-1000 words (up to 2 pages) for each presentation.
    • Abstract template is available here.
    • Each abstract has to describe the purpose, methods and conclusions of the paper.


If you require a visa for entry into Korea, please request the necessary documents, including an invitation letter, to the official conference email account (2023kcj@gmail.com).


Important dates 

May 8, 2023: Registration, payment, and abstract submission system opens 
June 12, 2023: Last date to issue letters of guarantee(归国保证书) and invitation letters to be sent offline by mail  
July 15, 2023: Last date for session proposal submission   
August 31, 2023: Last date for abstract submission   
September 10, 2023: Notification of abstract/paper acceptance
September 17, 2023: Last date for abstract editing
September 30, 2023: Last date for poster submission (PDF file)
October 10, 2023: Registration and payment online system closes


Conference Themes 

All the abstracts related to the below or other related themes of this conference are welcome. 

Special Sessions 

  • Special Session 1: Geography of COVID-19
  • Special Session 2: Economic Resilience of Amenity Cluster in a City
  • Special Session 3: Planning for the Margin
  • Special Session 4: Research on GIScience and Remote Sensing in the Era of Digital Transformation 
  • Special Session 5: International Collaboration among Young Geographers
  • Special Session 6: Climate Change Scenario and Climate Policies at Regional Level
  • Special Session 7: Mobilities, Changing Arctic and Reordering of the World
  • Special Session 8: Multiple Trajectories of Korean Migration and Overseas Experiences
  • Special Session 9: Smart City (Organized by the International Journal of Urban Sciences) 
  • Special Session 10: Climate Change and Sustainable Societies 
  • Special Session 11: Sea Level Rise Adaptation Policy
  • Special Session 12: Meet the Editors (The Professional Geographer, International Journal of Urban Sciences, Area Development & Policy)
  • • Special Session 13: Smart City and Geoinformatics

General Sessions 

  • General Session 1: Applied Cases in GIS and Remote Sensing
  • General Session 2: Climatology
  • General Session 3: Geomorphology 
  • General Session 4: Incorporating Time and History to Geographical Research
  • General Session 5: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in East Asia 
  • General Session 6: Human-Environmental Interactions
  • General Session 7: Economic Spaces and Innovation
  • General Session 8: New Directions of Cultural Geographies in East Asia
  • General Session 9: Urban Geography and Education
  • General Session 10: Migration Trends and Trajectories in Asia



The abstracts submitted will be eligible for placement either in a poster or lectern session  



Young Geographer Award

The Young Geographer Award (YGA) will be bestowed to selected young geographers with Certificate of Honor. The YGA honor committee will evaluate both abstracts and on-site presentations in selecting the awardees



Sessions on the Metaverse

There will be a field trip digital photo exhibition on the Metaverse around the conference period. There will be virtual booths promoting Korean local governments and enterprises as well.
Also, poster presentations will be done both on the Metaverse and offline. Details of the poster size and format are available here. Poster submission is due September 30, 2023.


Notice. Once the abstract has been submitted, the author is able to edit the abstract until September 17, 2023

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